Dec 31, 2008

Book - The Namesake

This is the book recently I have read.

The writer is Jhumpha Lahiri. There is a movie made based on the novel with the same name.

I liked the book. The writer is very descriptive in writing. She creates entire picture with minute details of the things, you actually get the feel like seeing the entire scene.

One more admirable thing is flow of story & interesting transition of story narration from one character to another. The story is carefully woven & flows from one character to another smoothly & eventually return to the GOGOL.

The story catches the life of Bengali couple moved from their native place to US & raising their children amongst the different lifestyle. On the birth of their son, they faced dilemma of naming him as the letter containing the name of son (from Grand Mother) not reached to US. The first name occurred to his father become his name i.e. GOGOL, later to be changed with some good name. However name remains. The boy grows up & frustrated with his awkward name go for changing name. His life journey of adulthood, love affairs, marriage, divorce etc is narrated further.

The book is delight to read for its fine descriptions, narrations & unusual turns of events,


Dec 18, 2008

Total U-Turn

I have started the blog “I wish to write on” thinking that I will write my thoughts on various subjects & interests. I am not able to write anything specific or special, so I decided to be reviewer. I decided to write some comments on various books / movies / any thing which I read / watch / go through. I think this is total u-turn instead of contributing; I am now on to commenting.

I hope this will make me more productive for blog,

With love,


Book - "Death Be Not Proud" - Memoir by John Gunther

I thank my colleague for giving me this book for reading.

This is one of the good books I have ever read.

This book is dedicated to the memory of Johny Gunther, teenaged son of the author. Johny was detected brain cancer & that time there was no hope for him to survive.

The book is narrative of life span of Johny from detection of cancer till his last goodbye.

At the start of the book, I felt that author is exaggerating the character of Johny (since he is his child). However while reading further I felt that he was rather modest.

The author has restricted himself and narrated the entire experience as detached person. I really admired his writing. We cannot understand the feelings which author was going through that period. He is able to suppress his feelings in his writing and accounted the journey with total flow.

Johny fought the battle bravely & even though he lost the battle he won everything. To understand this you have to read the book.

The last not the least, the last few pages written by his mother is must read for all parents.
She says that “She wished that she loved more Johny”. Surely she loved Johny too much but still feels that she could have given more love to him. She mentioned that when she sees parents are shouting / scolding their child/s or frustrated by their own child/s, she says at least they are alive, don’t treat them like that, please love them. Give more & more love to you child.
