Nov 24, 2009

Book Review - FLIGHT # 116 IS DOWN!

Flight # 116 is down!

by Caroline B. Cooney

This books is about the rescue operations of Flight # 116 crashed at isolated place near New York City.

The main aim of the book, as what I understood, is to learn to respect the volunteer working as rescue workers.  In such emergencies with limited capacity, keeping asides their own emotions they do their duties.

The story starts at Saturday 5.05 P.M. and ends at Sunday, 12:48 A.M..  Although there is lot of scope for describing gloomy & dark side of crash scenes, the author remain human enough to keep such details to essentials & minimum.

The main character of the story goes through roller coaster of emotions &  tries to understand life, death, emergency & helping.

Good book to read for young ones,





Nov 20, 2009

If u Have a weak heart dont Read

People with weak heart don't Read it….plzzzzz

Holidays In 2010:


















































20th Nov. 2009

Nov 18, 2009

Book Review - The Alchemist

The Alchemist - By Paulo Cohelo

This is one of world's best seller book & leaves big impact on the mind of the reader.

The story is layered, each & every word, sentence, paragraph contains life's secrets. The story in about a Spanish shepherd who is young, coureagous & believed in his dreams. While following his dream, at every steps he finds obstacles & desire to return back. In few cases, he become contended with his achievement & decides to stop there. However something keeps him moving towards his dream destination. In his persuit, he keep on learning all the way, which helps him to understand the world's secrets, world's universal language & how to live the life.

The story unfolds with lots of lessons of life. After the more demanding situations & more dangers, the boy, by not changing his path / mind, reaches his ultimate goal. While reading the story, at various places I found that I have came across such problems & forced to choose path ahead. There are always two choices, one easy but futile other correct but difficult. I guess I should have read this book earlier, my vision of life would have been more clear.

Any ways, I can not claim that I have understood all the messages or entire book but it is one of good book I have ever read.


Nov 5, 2009

Book Review - Isadora Ki Prem Kathayen

"My Life" by Isadora Duncan

Hindi Translation - "Isadora Ki Prem Kathayen" - by Shri Yugank Dheer.

"My Life" is autobiography written by Isadora Duncaun & I have read its hindi translation by Shri Yungank Dheer.

I always like to read the auto-biography, it shows up his/her sides of the story & I really enjoy to understand his/her view points & what he/she think, what he/she feel, why & how he/she reacts.

I think that the translator should not have changed the title from My life to Isadora ki prem kathayen. This title is not proper. It creates feeling of n' no. of love scenes & exciting love phases of Isadora & it misguides the reader. The hindi title do not have any significance with the context of books' content.

Ok now lets on move to Isadora's my life. This is the auto biography of a American girl, who is considered as inventor & founder of today's modern dance. She was brave, intelligent, rebel & revolutionary by nature. In the early years of life, she never feared & able to cope with any situations. She was firm believer in her self & very confident. She believed that she found out the true joy & her dancing method is the one who correlates with nature. Her natural dance style was her own inventions & now known as modern dance & was become very famous for her dancing style & love affairs in entire Europe. At that time, ballet was very popular but its dancing style was rather aerobic & without any real emotions and insisted on strict / unnatural postures & gestures. She brought the welcome change in dancing method & as described in her book her dances takes the audience to heighest level of enjoyment.

Her personal life has seen various ups & downs. She was unable to control her expenses & easily got impressed by men. She was also chasing so many dreams like building temple, start dancing schools, teach dance to young girls etc. etc.. It required lots of money & it compelled her to organise public performances however she never liked to perform for commercial reasons. She wanted that her performance should be free for all.

Her life's major problem was never ending conflict between her dance & her love. Her love affairs draws away from the dance however when affair ends she felt depressed. To come out of depression, she found solace in her dance. Her life's biggest tragedy was loss of her two children in accident.

The book concluded when she moved to Russia where USSR Govt has offered her to settle down there & run her dance school with their help.

The translator has given the brief account of her remaining life.

You can get more information about her in following link :-

As I already said, I like to read the auto biography. I liked this book too & enjoyed her writing. She has written in simple & layman language. Her dreams & feelings expressed in her own words touched me. She was very open about her relationship & thoughts. I have browse the net for more information about her & I was fascinated by her work.



Book Review - Madam Bovary

Book Review - Madam Bovary

Madam Bovary - by Gustave Flaubert in French

Hindi translation by Shri Yugank Dheer


I have read the hindi translation of the Book "Madam Bovary" written by French writer Gustave Flaubert.

This is fictional story of Emma Bovary living at small town of French Province. Emma was married to doctor Charles Bovary & had a daughter "Berthe".

Emma was extremely beautiful, educated however had yearning for luxury & fantasy life. Her marriage with Doctor do not promised any bright future. After few years, Emma got frustrated with routine provincial life & she become impatient with the way her husband was. This lead to entry of various persons in her life as lovers. First one was shy young neighbor however that relationship do not flourish at that time. Second person was rich man & with sole purpose of seduction, he takes her on his web. Emma who has waiting for true love, finds this rich man as her perfect match & falls in his trap. After some time, that man leaves her, which results to horrible shock to Emma's emotion. She almost lost all her senses & falls ills. She take several months to recover. Her husband & the church priest took great care of her.

After recovering, she had another chance to encounter the earlier young neighbor. This time their relationship brokes all the barriers. Once again in the search of love & luxury Emma get carried far away from her husband. However Charles never suspected her & always try to amend his ways to make her happy. During all this, she started living extravagantly & created the mountain of debts.

Unable to pay the debts, she took drastic step which ultimately results into ruining entire family.

The book (earlier published chapter wise in paper) generated lots of controversies at that time because of its notorious story.

The complete details about the book & author can be found on the following links.

A hindi movie "Maya Memsaab" is also based on this story.

I liked the book for its writing style & the way story develops.

