Jun 23, 2008

Government Employee? Huh..

I have some problems with this post, I am unable to convert some of the words to Hindi, but I can't wait too long to publish this post, so sorry for inconvenience & forgive me for jumbling words, I hope you dont' mind it.

One more interesting conversation in train with Mr. Amit.

Amit one of my friend from our train group, working with Tax consultant & always cursing Govt. Employees. One day, I thought enough is enough, I being working in Public Sector, decided to confront him.

Our discussion begins:-

खु- क्या बे अमित, हमेशा गवर्नमेंट एम्प्लोयीसको गाली देते रहेता हैं?

अ - तो क्या, साले मुफ्त का पगार खाते हैं। हम लोग इतना टैक्स भरते हैं और तुम लोग सारे पैसे खा जाते हों।

खु- अमित, तुझे मालूम हैं क्या, गवर्नमेंट के वजह सेही इतनी सारी नौकरिया चल रहीं हैं और उसके चलते लोगों का घर चल रहा हैं। अगर सरकार यह बंद कर दे तो बेकारी कितनी बढ़ जायेगी।

अ - ऐसा कुछ नहीं होंगा। साले मुफ्त का पगार भी खाते हैं और ऊपर से रिश्वत अलग।

खु - रिश्वत लेके भी काम तो होता हैं प्राइवेट सेक्टर मैं तो साला कुछ भी पता ही नहीं चलता। अपने से दाम बढाते हैं और पूछने पे कुछ जवाब नहीं मिलता

अ - तो क्या सरकारी काम सब ठीक ठाक होता हैं क्या।

खु - अपनी सरकार सब को एक जैसा रखती हैं, प्राइवेट मैं कभी कोई handicapped को काम देता हैं क्या? सरकारी नौकरी मैं तो उनके लिए reservation होता हैं
अ - उस परभीं चाल बाजी होती हैं , नकली certificate से काम चलता हैं।

अ - अच्छा, मुझे यह बता, तेरे घर मैं कामवाली आती हैं क्या,
खु - नहीं,
अ - ok, तुम्हारी tailoring shop हैं ना, उस में कारीगर काम करते हैं ना,
खु- हाँ,

अ - अगर वे , काम नहीं करें, या कम काम करें तो भी क्या तुम लोग उसको पुरा पगार देते हों? क्या system क्या हैं तुम्हारे यहाँ पगार देने की,
खु - वैसे तो मेरा भाई दुकान संभालता हैं, उस में कारीगर जो भी कपड़े सीता हैं उसका एक tag रखता हैं और week end मैं उसका हिसाब होता हैं।

अ- अगर वोह छुट्टी करता हैं या कुछ और कारण से काम कम करता हैं या फिर दुकान में ही काम कम हो तो तुम लोग उसको पुरा वीक का पगार देते हो

खु - नहीं, उसने जो काम किया उतना ही उसका पगार बनता हैं।

अ - तुम लोग साले सरकारी एम्प्लोयीस का हिसाब क्या ऐसे होता हैं। सब जगह जितना काम उतना दाम मिलता हैं , खाली तुम्हारे यहाँ ही यह सब फाल्तुगिरी चलती हैं। मेरी तुमसे दुश्मनी नहीं हैं, लेकिन जब हम लोग का हक़ का पैसा निकम्मे और फालतू लोगों को पगार मैं खर्च होता हैं तो बुरा लगता हैं। हम लोग दिन रात महेनत करते हैं तब जाके हाथ मैं कुच्छ आता हैं और तुम लोग बिना महेनत किए ऐश करते हों ।
काम करो हक़ से पैसा लो।

खु - ( मैं एकदम चुप हो गया),

मेरे पास कोई जवाब नहीं था । वोह सही था, मुझे भी लगा की मेरा भाई किसीको बिना काम पैसे नहीं देता तो फिर सरकार क्यों इतने लोगों को ऐसे ही पालती हैं। हमारे ही कंपनी मैं कितने सारे लोग हैं जो कुछ काम नहीं करते फिर भी मुझसे ज्यादा पगार लेते हैं।
उसी वक्त से मैंने सोचा, दुसरे लोग जो चाहे करें पर मैं अपना काम पुरी ईमानदारी, महेनत और लगन से करूँगा, जितनी पगार पाता हूँ, कोशिश करूंगा की उतना या उससे ज्यादा मैं contribute करूँ ।
Thanks अमित, फॉर opening my eyes,


Jun 20, 2008


I am not able to decide upon title, Lets begin writing rather than thinking about title,

During my school days, I used to attend Shakha. Shakha is where RSS members meet everyday at morning / evening for exercise & other activities. I was never active member but like to attend shakha for daily exercising.

Every Sunday, we member come together & discuss various current topics.

On particular Sunday, we had discussion (where I was silent listener) which stick to my mind forever. The discussion was about : what comes first, yourself or your country. The person (we will call him = Mr. x) was very good orator & brought the point with some examples.

Mr. x was telling, you should always remember that you come after your country. Your country's pride should be ultimate than your personal glory / value / pride.

Hi cited examples from Mahabharat war (the great Indian epic), where the battle was won by the party who has keep country (here =धर्म) before themselves.

He illustrated further :=

Guruji of all greatest warriors, Drona, had attachment with his Son "Ashwathama". Ashwathama was blessed with infinite life. Even knowing that when Drona heard that "Ashwathama" got killed during the war, he felt heavy grief. He stopped fighting & become anxious. On confirming from Yudhisthir (who never lied ) he broke down & get killed.

On the other side, the Yudhisthir, whose fame for truthfulness, taken the weaker stand & instead of truth he told "Naro va Kunjra va" . = "Ashwathama Killed but whether man or elephant not known".

Karan, the greatest warrior from Kaurav side, was famous for his generosity, any one can fulfilled his wish if he asks to Karan. Karan knew that Indra wants his "Kavach Kundal" so that Arjun can kill him in war. Even though to keep his personal tag of " Greatest Daanvir" he gives away his "Kavach Kundal" & got killed in the war.

War result could have been changed had he not given away the "Kavach Kundal".

On the other side, i.e. of Pandav, which is said to be fighting war for Dharma, the Arjun killed the Karan while he was trying to fix the wheel of his chariot. As per rule of the war at that time, Arjun should not have attack the Karan at that time. But Krishna insisted that don't think about what is good or bad, if you have to win the war, it is the only opportunity to kill Karan, so go ahead.

Another great great Warrior from Kaurav Side, Bhisma, also followed his own wisdom & preferences instead of adhering to war conditions. He has decided not to fight against female & never fought ( he was unmarried). During the war, when it was impossible to stop him, the pandavs & Krishna hatched plan. With Arujna, the Shikhandi (half male - half female) was accompanied in his chariot. When Bhisma saw that Arjun is hiding behind Shikhandi, he stopped fighting with him. Bhisma could have still carry on the march but due to his own beliefs & fundas, stopped the war at his end. Arjuna got the free hand & with rain of arches he killed Bhisma.

The Krishna has promised that he will not participate in war as warrior or take arms in hands during the war. But at one point of time where Arjun was not ready to attack, he broke his promise & lift the wheel of chariot & was about to attack.

Bheem too broke the rules of fighting by hitting Duryodhan at the forbidden places & killed him.

The win was called as the Victory of good over bad.

There were promises broken, rules broken but the ultimate aim was achieved by Pandavs.

Therefore, what lessons we learn from this that put your country before yourself.

I was really amazed by this interpretations. I always thought that Pandavs & Krishna are right & are doing all correct & right things.

Any how, interpretation was not important, important was the lesson.



Jun 13, 2008

Time Management

I will open the blog only for writing & use it for minimum time.

I have lots of pending works to finish, but internet, emails, blogs keeps me busy.

I have to curtail all this to complete my works on time.

Hope I follow,


Jun 12, 2008

Bus Blues

On 09/06/2008, I was coming to Andheri Station by 319 Bus from our area. It was raining & atmosphere was quite cool. Since I took the bus from starting point I was comfortably seated & enjoying the bus commuting.

At Sakinaka, lots of people entered the bus. No. of people were standing, suddenly a felt that water drop fallen on my hand. I thought this may be from the umbrella of the person who is standing near me. But to my surprise, he was not having the umbrella. He was sweating. He was sweating profusely & every now & then I felt his perspiration. I was wondering why he was sweating so much, whether is too cool & comfortable.

Suddenly I thought he might have done some crime & running from that scene or he may be having explosive with him. I was shocked & started observing him carefully. I tried to remember his face, body structure & also noticing his behaviour, his bag. He was constantly wiping his sweats.

At that moment, I realised that what will happened if he was human bomb. In the next few minutes this bus will go blast & lots of lives will lost including mine. I was terrified to the core of my heart thinking what will happen to my family if disaster strike. I was just counting how much they will get from my LIC & PA policy, whether it will be enough for them to live? I don't know what was exactly going on my mind.

I saw that he was carrying a thin plastic bag & after careful observation of it I felt that most probably bomb could not be carried in this bag. As it happen, just after two stops, the strange man move forward & get down from the bus. I have kept eyes on him & his bag till the time he exit.

Luckily nothing that sort of things happen. I felt greatly relieved.

I don't know how but, even while writing about this incidence I really feel terror in my heart. I know, we are not safe, any thing can happen.

I know our destiny is pre-determined.

Lets hope for the best for all.


Jun 10, 2008

बात जो दिलको छू जाए

मेरे दोस्त सुनीलने अपनी कमेंट्समे लिखा की कुछ ऐसी बात लिखा कर जो दिलको छू जाए!

मुझे पता नहीं कौनसी ऐसी बात लिखु। मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूँ की मैं कुछ न कुछ लिखता रहूँ, एक बार आदत पड़ गई तो शायद कुछ अच्छी बात लिख पाऊं।

वैसे मुझे फ़िल्मैं देखना पसंद करता हूँ पर बहोत दिनों से कोई फ़िल्म नहीं देखीं। वक़्त नहीं मिलता और पवई में रहने की वजह से शनिवार और रविवार बाहर निकलना बहोतही बोरिंग हो जाता हैं। अब टीवी देखके ही काम चला लेते हैं।

जब में १५-१८ साल का तब सोचता था की कैसे लोग यह कह सकते हैं की टाइम नहीं मिलता, सच में टाइम का मेनेजमेंट बहोत ही मुश्किल हैं।


Jun 9, 2008

Dear Friends if you visit my blog

Dear Friends,

To all my friends who are visiting my blog. I request you to post the comments so that I come to know you are reading,

One more thing, to write comments, you have to open your own blog, so open your own blog, have your own share of space in the world of internet & dont forget to write comment on my blog,

So happy blogging,


Jun 6, 2008

Never say never die.

I always decide to keep on writing. Every year from 1st jan, I wanted to maintain diary for daily event. I have started blogging thinking that atleast I will post one post per day. This is like every winter I swear to start exercise and after few days, you are on a same old track. Really lack of discipline always creeps in. It prevents me or for that matter any person from achieving his / her goals. I dont know why I am so relaxed or lazy. Something is to be done. I have to chalk out plan for the day with "must do" things & must work to do it.

I know nothing is impossible,


Jun 5, 2008

Monsoon arrived

Monsoon showers started from day before yesterday, even yesterday also there was a good shower.
Today morning, oval maidans sand was all over the road due to heavy air flow.


Jun 2, 2008

My Favourite SMS

This one, in advance before birth of my daughter, from Naresh,

"Sabse Pehle use KISS karo, phir bistar par leta do, phir dono tange utha kar, neeche hath laga kar dekho, agar bachchne susu kiya hai to diaper badal do" Happy Parenting in advance.

This is lovely & most touchy from SHAAN,

"Congratulations on becoming a father of an angel"
on Nidhi's birth.

This is very fine message received on my birthday from Ashwini,

"Look outside... It's so pleasant!, Sun smiling 4 u, Trees dancing 4 u.. Birds singing 4 u..., Because I requested them all to wish you, HAPPY BIR'DY..."

This is from Yogesh on my promotion,

"Life is an echo, all comes back. The good, The bad, The false, The true; so give the world the best u have. And the best will come back 2 U. Cngrts on getting promoted."