May 21, 2008

My First Post


I know I am writing for myself only, so Hi is meant for Me & my friends who may see this post.

This is my first attempt (rather second, first attempt was just trying & leaving as it is) & as name suggest I wish to write, Yes I wish to write down my thoughts.

Yesterday, I was awake at 3.40 a.m. for preparing milk for my daughter. After that I could not sleep till 6.00 a.m.. Lots of things are coming to my mind & kept me thinking & planning.

I was planning to help my brother my asking him to buy (ofcourse with my financial help) xerox machine & start that business. There is an ample opportunity for this business as only one or two shops are there for xeroxing.

I was also planning to start work for writing accounts for Housing societies on weekdays to start earning extra income.

On this line of thought, it sparks me that I can ask Prasad to develop customise software to handle this work & we can sell to 'n' number of societies.

So on & so on, I was too excited but decided to get some sleep so that next day I should be able to work.

Over for today.

With Love,


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